Playing with canaries
Looking at SSP over several architectures.
Looking at SSP over several architectures.
In this post, we will talk about the canaries, which is part of “Smash Stack Protector” (SSP) mechanism built in GCC (along with most other modern compilers). This article aims to describe canaries, and summarize the different implementations of SSP on different architectures. Developers enforcing SSP should be aware of these implementations when building code that aims to be built on different architectures (for example, embedded software in IoT devices). We will dig deep into the libC and the kernel to understand fundamentally all the components of the canary.
The following architectures were tested in VMs (thanks to QEMU):
All using the same setup:
All the links to source code are provided within this article, and all the code excerpts can be found on elttam’s GitHub. The disassembled snippets are run against compiled versions of files on the GitHub, which you can compile to reproduce, with:
$ gcc -fstack-protector -O1 -o <my_file> <my_file>.c
The stack protection mechanism appeared in response to the wide-spread stack buffer overflow vulnerabilities, which started attracting a lot of attention after the famous Phrack article by AlephOne in 1996.
Starting 2000, Hiroaki Etoh (from IBM) suggested first the idea of modifying GCC compilation process to integrate a low overhead mechanism to protect against stack overflows. This gave birth to “StackGuard”, the GCC Stack-Smashing protection still in use today. As early as 2000, several implementations were tested, and consequently have been attacked.
However, by constantly improving it, GCC implemented the “StackGuard” protection, thoroughly described in the GCC Summit paper (2003).
The goal for SSP is to provide the program a way to detect if the stack has been corrupted to the point where it can allow to redirect the code flow and allow arbitrary code execution. To protect it, a random value will be inserted at the base of stack of a function context like this:
| | higher addresses
| | |
+-----------+ |
| Saved PC | |
+-----------+ |
| Saved FP | | Stack grows towards
+-----------+ | lower addresses
| Canary | |
------------+ |
| Var1 | |
| Var2 | |
| ... | v
lower addresses
In this example above, if Var2
boundaries are not properly checked (for example
when using strcpy()
type of functions) and attempts to overwrite the
return address, it will corrupt the canary, which the program will detect and
force a premature (but safe) exit to further memory corruption, and ultimately code execution.
As we can observe, one of the immediate weakness is that it will not avoid the corruption of the
variables of the current context (here Var1
). However, compilers can rearrange
the setup of the variables to prevent that.
The SSP is enabled at two levels:
1 - during compilation, the compiler will insert a canary check stub. The following options are supported by any recent compiler:
(since GCC 4.1): includes a canary when a function
defines an array of char
with a size of 8 bytes or more-fstack-protector-all
: adds a canary for all non-inline functions-fstack-protector-strong
(since 4.9): provides a smarter way to protect
any sensitive location within the current context (the best description can
be found
Kees Cook blog)2 - the protection takes effect when the binary is loaded by the
loader (ld
The original paper defines 3 possible canary types:
<img src=””/assets/images/terminator_canary.png?raw=true” width=”100%”>
In practice, it is possible to check the presence of a canary within the ELF
thanks to the presence of __libc_chk_fail@plt
symbol, which is the PLT
entry for the procedure invoked should the canary be tampered with. Some tools
) can also be used.
$ readelf -s /bin/ls | grep __stack_chk_fail
34: 0000000000000000 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND __stack_chk_fail@GLIBC_2.4 (6)
To be secure, the canary must ensure at least the following properties:
Let’s examine that!
The GlibC manipulates the canary through a global variable called
By reading the source code of glibc-2.24
, one can apprehend quite fast when the
userland canary* is being setup. The canary is generated by the loader, through
the following calls:
*Note: the reason I specified “userland canary” is because the Linux kernel uses another (and different) canary to protect against stack overflow within the kernel. However, for simplicity, canary will always refer to userland canary for now. We will cover the kernel-land canary later in this article.
/* Set up the stack checker's canary. */
uintptr_t stack_chk_guard = _dl_setup_stack_chk_guard (_dl_random);
__stack_chk_guard = stack_chk_guard;
static inline uintptr_t __attribute__ ((always_inline))
_dl_setup_stack_chk_guard (void *dl_random)
uintptr_t num;
unsigned char bytes[sizeof (uintptr_t)];
} ret = { 0 };
if (dl_random == NULL)
ret.bytes[sizeof (ret) - 1] = 255;
ret.bytes[sizeof (ret) - 2] = '\n';
memcpy (ret.bytes, dl_random, sizeof (ret));
ret.num &= ~(uintptr_t) 0xff;
ret.num &= ~((uintptr_t) 0xff << (8 * (sizeof (ret) - 1)));
#error "BYTE_ORDER unknown"
return ret.num;
We can observe that the function _dl_setup_stack_chk_guard()
allows to create
all the canary types mentioned earlier: if dl_random
is null, then the
will be a “terminator canary”, otherwise “random canary”.
In practice, on recent Glibc, dl_random
is never null (we will understand why
later on), and so the
canary is only a (mem-)copy of it, with its least significant byte being nullified.
ret.num &= ~(uintptr_t) 0xff;
This operation is done to force the termination of a C-string, and make it harder for attackers to overwrite. But on the other hand, this also diminishes all the possible values for the canary, which can only have 2^((sizeof(register)-1)*8) different values.
The canary is roughly a (mem)copy of _dl_random
, which according to a vague
description, is populated by the kernel. Let’s see how it’s done:
_dl_aux_init (ElfW(auxv_t) *av
_dl_random = (void *) av->a_un.a_val;
is called by LIBC_START_MAIN()
, itself
which is the ELF entrypoint in userland from the kernel,
as defined by the SystemV R4 ABI
(see [the x8664 ABI](, page
25 and onward). _dl_aux_init()
is the function in charge of handling
in userland the values passed from the kernel, through the “_Auxiliary Vector”.
Auxiliary Vector
is an ELF structure that aims to provide information from the kernel to the
application. Note that this structure must be present but can be empty. If not
empty, then it will provide information basically in the form of an associative
array, whose keys can be found in the manpage of getauxval()
. Among other
valuable information we find:
The address of sixteen bytes containing a random value.
value can be found in the libC:
#define AT_RANDOM 25 /* Address of 16 random bytes. */
The Auxiliary Vector can be dumped directly from the terminal by invoking the
target binary and setting the environment variable LD_SHOW_AUXV
$ LD_SHOW_AUXV=1 /bin/ls | grep AT_RANDOM:
AT_RANDOM: 0x7ffd90856039
The same information is exposed through the procfs
structure (/proc/<pid>/auxv
$ od -t d8 /proc/self/auxv | grep 25
0000360 25 140722461399193
Note: Some hardened kernels/systems will not expose this information.
the greetz.c
compiled with -fstack-protector
, we can also use GDB to confirm this.
gef➤ capstone-disassemble greetz
0x0000000000400680 push rbp
0x0000000000400681 mov rbp, rsp
0x0000000000400684 sub rsp, 0x80
0x000000000040068b mov rax, qword ptr fs:[0x28]
0x0000000000400694 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rax
gef➤ # at 0x0400694, rax holds the value of the canary, set a breakpoint there
gef➤ bp *0x400694
gef➤ g "hello elttam!"
<hits the breakpoint>
gef➤ info auxv
25 AT_RANDOM Address of 16 random bytes 0x7fffffffe5b9
gef➤ xinfo 0x7fffffffe5b9
───────────────────[ xinfo: 0x7fffffffe5b9 ]───────────────────────
Found 0x00007fffffffe5b9
Page: 0x00007ffffffde000 → 0x00007ffffffff000 (size=0x21000)
Permissions: rw-
Pathname: [stack]
Offset (from page): +0x205b9
Inode: 0
gef➤ x/1gx 0x7fffffffe5b9
0x7fffffffe5b9: 0xd3ace4be4a314753
gef➤ run "hello elttam!"
gef➤ info registers rax
rax 0xd3ace4be4a314700 -3193926529772861696
Bingo, we have a perfect match: rax
contains the value of the 8 first bytes of
the AUXV AT_RANDOM! This information is useful, because now we have an easy way to
determine the canaries for any process.
The file read_canary_from_pid.c
provides a Proof-of-Concept for this attack:
$ cat &
[1] 30513
$ ./read_canary_from_pid 30513
[+] reading auxv of pid=30513
[+] pid=30513, path=/proc/30513/auxv
[+] reading 16 bytes from pid=30513 from address 0x7ffc03fd2b99
[+] got 16 bytes
[+] 69 dd d2 ef 86 4e b8 e5 b8 5f 58 6f de 91 69 d6
[+] canary for PID=30513 is 0xe5b84e86efd2dd00
Quick note: this code will work universally on all recent Linux for all
architectures as long as it supports the syscall
and exposes
their Auxiliary Vector. A Python version is also
provided, that solely relies on procfs
<img src=””/assets/images/canary-dump.png?raw=true” width=”100%”>
This means that if a process allows to read arbitrary files (such as a Directory Traversal vulnerability on a Web server), it is possible to retrieve the canary this way, if you can seek through the file descriptor. For example, if targeting an HTTP server, the leak would look something like:
to get the AT_RANDOM location/proc/self/mem
and force an lseek
access to reach the location found above via the
HTTP header Range
(for instance Range: bytes=<0xAT_RANDOM_ADDRESS>-<0xAT_RANDOM_ADDRESS+16>
data &= 0xff
location in memory!That’s pretty cool, but back to our business. Right now, what we really want to
know is how the canary gets populated.
So far, we only know where the canary gets its value from, but
we do not know how the 16-byte (or 128-bit) location pointed by the Auxiliary
gets filled.
<img src=””/assets/images/deeper.jpg?raw=true” width=”100%”>
The creation of a new process goes way beyond the purpose of this article, so we will simply cover the part that interests us. Note that there are plenty of excellent resources covering this topic.
When sys_execve
is called, the kernel will prepare the new process. If the
executable is
an ELF, it will call
that will in turn
It is this function that will populate with random data the 16-byte buffer
, and expose it to the user.
elf_addr_t __user *u_rand_bytes;
unsigned char k_rand_bytes[16];
* Generate 16 random bytes for userspace PRNG seeding.
get_random_bytes(k_rand_bytes, sizeof(k_rand_bytes));
u_rand_bytes = (elf_addr_t __user *) STACK_ALLOC(p, sizeof(k_rand_bytes));
if (__copy_to_user(u_rand_bytes, k_rand_bytes, sizeof(k_rand_bytes)))
return -EFAULT;
And finally, it will create the Auxiliary Vector entry for AT_RANDOM
NEW_AUX_ENT(AT_RANDOM, (elf_addr_t)(unsigned long)u_rand_bytes);
Finally, we know exactly how the canary gets its value, which we can summarize here:
, using the function void get_random_bytes(void *buf, int nbytes)
global is pointing to this location,memcopy
-ed into __stack_chk_guard
.There, done!
Unfortunately for us, that does not leave us a big room for attacking its randomness. Although evaluating/attacking the random generation from this function has been done in the past, we will not cover it as part of this article. This function is at the core of every (if not all) cryptographic mechanism in Linux (cryptographic key generation, TCP sequencing, BlueTooth pairing exchange, Linux kernel canary, etc.), and even though this source of randomness is not perfect, it is considered very secure.
It is actually such a good source of entropy that developers could
also rely on it for initializing user-land random generator
for non-forking processes.
The following C snippet could be used to that extent:
#include <sys/auxv.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
void initialize_pnrg()
unsigned long addr, seed;
addr = getauxval(AT_RANDOM);
// the 1st sizeof(void*) is used for the canary, we can use the 2nd
addr+= sizeof(void*);
seed = *((unsigned long*)addr);
// optionally we can also xor the seed with the current time
seed ^= time(0);
This would actually be better than the traditional (and vulnerable) call:
which is still used way too much
<img src=””/assets/images/github-search.png?raw=true” width=”100%”>
But there is a design flaw here: as we saw, the canary value is being set via the LIBC_START_MAIN
function. This means that the value is only generated when a new ELF is
being executed and mapped in memory (via sys_execve
syscall). But a regular
fork will result in the child process systematically inheriting its canary from
its parent. This weakness makes the canary inherently vulnerable to brute-force attacks
(CTF players are very familiar with
such attack).
Now that we know where the canary’s value comes from, let’s spend some time trying to analyse how the canary is used at the assembly level as directed by the compiler (here GCC-6.3.0), for several architectures, starting naturally with Intel.
GCC implementation of the canary for Intel architectures will rely on the
selector gs
as as quick grep
(or even better, rg
) will tell:
$ rg -t cpp __stack_chk_guard gcc-6.3.0/gcc/config/i386
133:/* i386 glibc provides __stack_chk_guard in %gs:0x14. */
82:/* i386 glibc provides __stack_chk_guard in %gs:0x14,
83: x32 glibc provides it in %fs:0x18.
64: x86_64 glibc provides it in %fs:0x28. */
i386 family uses
segmentation to
translate virtual address in protected mode to physical address. Several
16-bit selectors exist to make this mechanism possible, and the most commonly
known are Code Selector (CS), Data Selector (DS), Stack Selector (SS). Two
additional selectors exist, FS and GS, without specific purpose. GS is usually
used to
store TLS
information. GCC uses this segment register to save the canary at the offset
GS:0x14. If no TLS, its location is
pointed by the symbol __stack_chk_guard
If we apply it to the binary greetz
, the canary is copied in the current
context right after the function prologue:
$ gdb -q -ex 'x/4i greetz -ex quit ./greetz-x32
0x8048530 <greetz>: push esi
0x8048531 <greetz+1>: sub esp,0x58
0x8048534 <greetz+4>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x60]
0x8048538 <greetz+8>: mov ecx,DWORD PTR gs:0x14 // reads the canary from gs:0x14
0x804853f <greetz+15>: mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x54],ecx // copy it into the stack
And the epilogue will be in charge of checking if the canary has been modified:
$ gdb -ex 'x/7i greetz+93' -ex quit ./greetz-x32
0x804858d <greetz+93>: mov eax,gs:0x14 // eax=gs:0x14
0x8048593 <greetz+99>: cmp eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x54] // if eax!=stack_canary, call __stack_chk_fail()
0x8048597 <greetz+103>: jne 0x804859e <greetz+110>
0x8048599 <greetz+105>: add esp,0x58
0x804859c <greetz+108>: pop esi
0x804859d <greetz+109>: ret
0x804859e <greetz+110>: call 0x80483b0 <__stack_chk_fail@plt>
As seen by grep-ing GCC earlier, x86_64 will use FS instead of GS as a selector with an offset of 0x18. This implementation choice is interesting since x86_64 has a flat-memory model, and GS, FS are only offsetting registers. However, it is used because of the following property:
Every segment register has a “visible” part and a “hidden” part. When a segment selector is loaded into the visible part of a segment register, the processor also loads the hidden part of the segment register with the base address, segment limit, and access control information from the segment descriptor pointed to by the segment selector. The information cached in the segment register (visible and hidden) allows the processor to translate addresses without taking extra bus cycles to read the base address and limit from the segment descriptor.
Source: Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures, Sect 3.4.3 - Segment registers
Using FS allows to have the canary in the current memory layout without having a potential attacker allowed to directly reach the address.
On Intel, the canary is stored in a readable and writable location. By inserting a simple C stub, such as
int read_canary()
int val = 0;
__asm__("movl %%gs:0x14, %0;"
: "=r"(val)
return val;
it becomes possible to read the canary’s value from inside the current process
is here):
$ cc -o read_canary -fstack-protector read_canary.c
$ ./read_canary foooo
Found canary: 0xa4edbff95aece200
Hello foooo
Using the same movl
instruction and swaping the arguments also allows to
re-write it. By combining those
two mechanisms (reading and writing), one can replace a forked
process’ canary with an arbitrary one directly during the runtime of the
process. This means that x86 developers can protect their code against
brute-force attacks on the SSP with a very simple stub, and minimal performance
To prove it, the file
written as a Proof-of-Concept, where it will replace the child process’ canary
with a dummy value (in this case 0x4142434445464748). This code runs similarly
on 32 and 64 bits.
$ gcc -m64 -o greetz-renew-canary-x64 -fstack-protector greetz-renew-canary.c
$ ./greetz-renew-canary-x64 elttam
Parent is 17698
[17698] Found canary: 0xca78e2c816dd8000
[17698] Hello elttam
Child is 17699
[17699] Found canary: 0x4142434445464748
[17699] Hello elttam
As we can see, through a quite simple hack, we have protected our forked
process against brute-force attack! A good seed for the new canary would
be to re-use another chunk of the buffer randomly generated (provided by
Other implementations such as RenewSSP provides a ready-to-use library to force the canary renewal upon forking. Similarly, this library uses this “hack” to update the canary values on forked process, and works only for x86. The very nature of this hack will never allow it to be merged upstream.
Now that canaries on Intel architecture have no secret for us, let’s move on to other architectures and implementations.
The location of the SSP can be found under symbol __stack_chk_guard
, and the failure
procedure (__stack_chk_fail
) by its PLT location.
gef> p/x &__stack_chk_guard
$1 = 0x10930
gef> p/x &__stack_chk_fail
$2 = 0xb6f73ea0
Let’s compile greetz.c
on an ARMv6l (RaspberryPi-like) with
, and disassemble the (vulnerable) greetz()
function. It
will look something like this:
gef> disass greetz
0x000085b4 <+0>: push {r4, lr}
0x000085b8 <+4>: sub sp, sp, #72 ; 0x48
0x000085bc <+8>: mov r1, r0
0x000085c0 <+12>: ldr r4, [pc, #60] ; 0x8604 <greetz+80>
0x000085c4 <+16>: ldr r3, [r4]
0x000085c8 <+20>: str r3, [sp, #68] ; 0x44
0x000085cc <+24>: add r0, sp, #4
0x000085d0 <+28>: bl 0x84b4
0x000085d4 <+32>: bl 0x84d8
0x000085d8 <+36>: mov r1, r0
0x000085dc <+40>: ldr r0, [pc, #36] ; 0x8608 <greetz+84>
0x000085e0 <+44>: add r2, sp, #4
0x000085e4 <+48>: bl 0x8484
0x000085e8 <+52>: ldr r2, [sp, #68] ; 0x44
0x000085ec <+56>: ldr r3, [r4]
0x000085f0 <+60>: cmp r2, r3
0x000085f4 <+64>: beq 0x85fc <greetz+72>
0x000085f8 <+68>: bl 0x849c
0x000085fc <+72>: add sp, sp, #72 ; 0x48
0x00008600 <+76>: pop {r4, pc}
0x00008604 <+80>: andeq r0, r1, r0, lsr r9
0x00008608 <+84>: andeq r8, r0, r8, lsl #15
At 0x000085c0, the binary loads the canary, and stores it into the stack at
0x000085c8. A careful reader would have seen those weird andeq
after the return (pop pc
). The first address (at 0x00008604 greetz+80
corresponds to the address where the canary location is hardcoded by the
compiler. But because it is within the .text
segment, GDB assumes it is code
and disassemble it as code, where it is really an address.
gef> x/x greetz1+80
0x8604 <greetz1+80>: 0x00010930
gef> x/x 0x00010930
0x10930 <__stack_chk_guard@@GLIBC_2.4>: 0x2ca3bb00
gef> xinfo 0x10930
----------------------------------[ xinfo: 0x10930 ]----------------------------------
Found 0x00010930
Page: 0x00010000 -> 0x00011000 (size=0x1000)
Permissions: rw-
Pathname: /home/pi/greetz
Offset (from page): +0x930
Inode: 20568
Segment: .bss (0x00010930-0x00010938)
The canary is written in BSS, so its location will always be predictable unless the binary is compiled as PIE. But wait, if the compiler defines a hardcoded value to indicate where to find the canary, how can this work if the memory is totally randomized?
gef> checksec
[+] checksec for '/home/pi/greetz-pie'
Canary: Yes
NX Support: Yes
PIE Support: Yes
gef> disassemble greetz
Dump of assembler code for function greetz:
0x7f5587f8 <+0>: push {r4, r5, r11, lr}
0x7f5587fc <+4>: add r11, sp, #12
0x7f558800 <+8>: sub sp, sp, #80 ; 0x50
0x7f558804 <+12>: str r0, [r11, #-88] ; 0x58
0x7f558808 <+16>: ldr r4, [pc, #112] ; 0x7f558880 <greetz+136>
0x7f55880c <+20>: add r4, pc, r4
To do that, the compiler will cheat: it will hardcode at the end of the function
an offset (at 0x7f558808) and, since on ARM, $pc
is a register like any other,
it will simply $pc
to this offset to find the canary (at 0x7f55880c)!
gef> x/x greetz+136
0x7f558880 <greetz+136>: 0x000082f0 // <- this is the offset
gef> x/x 0x000082f0+0x7f55880c
0x7f560afc: 0x00000000
gef> x/x 0x000082f0+0x7f55880c+8
0x7f560b04: 0x00008a0c // <- and this is our canary location in the .got
This means that the compiler requires that the .got
page be located
immediately after the .text
page(s). Such predictability allows attacks such
as Offset2lib
Fun fact: if only one function is to be SSP-protected, the compiler can optimize
the code to strip the reference to __stack_chk_guard
. The location of the canary
will stay the same, but no symbol will exist.
MIPS compiled binaries can also be protected by SSP, and canaries check implementation on MIPS is very similar to the ARM approach.
But unlike ARM, the stub inserted by the compiler will point to an address in
the GOT. This location holds another address pointing into a read-only location
mapped by
, where the __stack_chk_guard
is stored.
gef> x/3i greetz+36
0x555509a4 <greetz+36> lw v0,-32656(gp) <-$pc
0x555509a8 <greetz+40> lw v0,0(v0)
0x555509ac <greetz+44> sw v0,100(s8)
gef> xinfo $gp-32656
----------------------------------[ xinfo: 0x55560de0 ]----------------------------------
Page: 0x55560000 -> 0x55561000 (size=0x1000)
Permissions: rw-
Pathname: /home/user/greetz-pie
Segment: .got (0x55560d80-0x55560df0)
gef> deref $gp-32656
0x55560de0|+0x00: 0x77ff6fbc -> 0xa172fe
gef> xinfo 0x77ff6fbc
----------------------------------[ xinfo: 0x77ff6fbc ]----------------------------------
Page: 0x77ff6000 -> 0x77ff7000 (size=0x1000)
Permissions: r--
Pathname: /lib/mips-linux-gnu/
Segment: (0x77ff6ec8-0x77ff6ffc)
This double dereference does not really allow to hack our way to simply update the canary when the binary is forked, like we did on Intel.
Just as in ARM, the few ways to recover the canary would be by either bruteforcing the 2^24 possible values, or through an information leak. Many home routers are MIPS-based Linux boxes, and still have many format string vulnerabilities which can be precious for this kind of attack.
Last but not least, let’s see SSP on PowerPC. As it just so happens, there is not much more to say for this architecture and it is very similar to ARM and MIPS.
A page is allocated in memory as read/write, which will contains the canary.
gef➤ x/7i greetz+92
0x10000520 <greetz+92> lwz r10,92(r31)
0x10000524 <greetz+96> lwz r9,-28680(r2)
0x10000528 <greetz+100> cmplw cr7,r10,r9 ← $pc
0x1000052c <greetz+104> li r10,0
0x10000530 <greetz+108> li r9,0
0x10000534 <greetz+112> beq cr7,0x1000053c <greetz+120>
0x10000538 <greetz+116> bl 0x10000710 <__stack_chk_fail@plt>
gef➤ xinfo $r2-28680
──────────────────────────────[ xinfo: 0xb7ff34b8 ]──────────────────────────────
Page: 0xb7ff3000 → 0xb7ff5000 (size=0x2000)
Permissions: rw-
Offset (from page): +0x4b8
As expected, the canary is populated the same way that we described before, and
the PoC read_canary_from_pid
can still be used to know the canary of a running
user@debian-powerpc:~$ cat &
[1] 710
user@debian-powerpc:~$ ./read_canary_from_pid 710
[+] reading auxv of pid=710
[+] pid=710, path=/proc/710/auxv
[+] reading 8 bytes from pid=710 from address 0xbfb20622
[+] got 8 bytes
[+] 40 cc 2d 10 be f3 36 29
[+] canary for PID=710 is 0x40cc2d00
And now that we’ve covered all the major architectures, you might also be curious to know about the kernel-land canary.
Well, Linux protects also itself against overflows thanks to a per-process structure called
. This field is populated very early during the kernel
initialization by
calling the architecture-specific function boot_init_stack_canary()
On x86, Linux will use the same function as in user-land
(i.e. get_random_bytes()
), and will shuffle it using the timestamp like this:
get_random_bytes(&canary, sizeof(canary));
tsc = rdtsc();
canary += tsc + (tsc << 32UL);
current->stack_canary = canary;
For MIPS and ARM (including AARCH64), the kernel canary uses
as well, but the result is XOR-ed with LINUX_VERSION_CODE
get_random_bytes(&canary, sizeof(canary));
And every fork()
will generate a new kernel canary for the current
tsk->stack_canary = get_random_int();
Very similarly to user-land, the
will be invoked to panic()
the kernel when a corruption is detected.
In this article, we’ve tried to cover a big part of the SSP
protection, which is the canary generation and use. We’ve tested it across
several architectures, which had us peeking down into kernel-land. Although the
focus was given to understanding the canary
mechanism of it, it is important to note that SSP encompasses more mechanisms,
such as local variable re-ordering, and can also be finely tuned according to
specific needs (using --param=ssp-buffer-size=N
with N=8
as a default).
To conclude, SSP provides a fairly good protection against stack buffer overflows,
on all architectures tested. Developers should be encouraged to
systematically provide binaries compiled with this flag. In case of doubt as
to which SSP option would offer the best trade-off security/performance, it
would be recommended to turn to
, as it provides more protection against buffer
overrun, by improving the traditional SSP argument re-ordering (to detect
function pointers and such).
As you may have noticed reading the implementation details across all the different architectures, the SSP implementation within the C compiler is pretty much the same; the most notable exception being Intel, which uses architecture-specific property to provide a better way to reach the canary.
So if we were to summarize the pros & cons of the use of a stack canary, we could say that:
generates a new canary, forking process does not, meaning that
the forked process canaries may be brute-forced;offset2lib
attacks.Newer protections, such as SafeStack may offer a newer/better alternative, which may just be the subject of a follow-up blog post.
Well, that’s it. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading those notes, and feel free to poke me for comments or questions.
Playing with canaries
March 2025 - New Method to Leverage Unsafe Reflection and Deserialisation to RCE on Rails
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June 2024 - plORMbing your Django ORM
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