By elttam May 09, 2023
This blog post provides a summary of the Home Assistant architecture, attack surface, and our approach auditing pre-authentication components. This post summarises and links to a few published advisories, including a Critical pre-authentication vulnerability.

By joseph February 09, 2023
This blog post details a technique for breaking Apache Commons Lang's RandomStringUtils and Java's random.nextInt(bound) when the bound is odd. A tool is released which demonstrates the practicality of the attack.

By Zoltan Madarassy June 30, 2022
This blog post is aimed to help people performing security code reviews on Golang code bases to identify dangerous code patterns.

By Daniel Hodson June 06, 2022
This post is for vulnerability researchers looking at the ESP32 and would like a quick setup guide.

By Mykel Pritchard December 09, 2020
This blog post aims to highlight how EZ mode pairing implemented by Mirabella Genio and other Tuya Cloud IoT devices broadcast your WiFi credentials to the neighbourhood.

By Sebastien Macke September 25, 2020
This blog post illustrates the security consequences of nonce-reuse in AES-GCM with a Proof of Concept exploit on a vulnerable demo application

By Faraz September 03, 2020
This blog post details a root cause analysis for Project Zero Issue 2046 found by Sergey Glazunov.

By Brendan Scarvell July 09, 2020
This blog post explores how privileged Lua scripts can pop shells without dropping privileges.

By Luke Jahnke June 24, 2020
A look into how scripting language interpreters can execute arbitrary commands when supplied with malicious environment variables.